Building a WAR/EAR File to Include a Self-contained Report Server
This topic describes how you can create a WAR or EAR file to include a self-contained Report Server using the tool makewar.bat/ after you have installed a Report Server.
The self-contained Report Server is based on a library. The library contains all class packages required by the Report Server runtime, such as jrenv.jar, JRESServlets.jar, JREngine.jar, and JRWebDesign.jar. In the library, jrenv.jar contains the entire Report runtime environment, and is the key to the self-contained integration solution. With the self-contained solution, you can deploy the WAR/EAR file to any Java EE compliant application server without having to specify a Report Server installation root as the reporthome.
Before generating the WAR/EAR file, you can customize the reporthome and data source for Report Server, or use the default settings. For more information, see Configuring Server Databases for Server Metadata in an Integrated Environment.
Report Server uses a parameter autoDetectServletPath in the self-contained WAR/EAR, to dynamically detect and modify servlet path based on the context path of the self-contained WAR/EAR when you deploy the WAR/EAR to a J2EE application server. Server enables this property by default, and the actual servlet path will be concatenating "context path" with "default servlet path" set in If you do not want this way, you can disable the feature using either of the following ways:
- Before making your WAR/EAR, set the parameter autoDetectServletPath to false in makewar.xml in
. - If you have already built the WAR/EAR, go to web.xml, set the autoDetectServletPathparameter to false.
Building a Report Server WAR/EAR by Tool
You can use the tool makewar.bat/ in <install_root>\bin
based on the Apache Ant project to build Report Server WAR/EAR file to contain the full Report Server runtime environment. You can specify information you need for building the WAR/EAR file using the makewar.xml file in the same directory.
When you create a Report Server WAR/EAR file using the tool, Server automatically puts the jrenv.jar package into the WAR/EAR and extracts it to the specified reporthome when initializing Report Server. See the following structure of the jrenv.jar package:
workspace/ -- This is the root folder.
bin/ -- This folder contains the license file jslc.dat and configuration files, such as and
template/ -- This folder contains template files.
profiling/report/ -- This folder contains profiling report files.
jreports/ -- This folder contains demo reports or pre-published reports.
db/ -- This folder contains demo database for demo reports.
help/ -- This folder contains help documents.
The bin, lib, and template folders are necessary for the Report runtime, while the profiling, jreports, db, and help folders are optional.
Since v15.5, Report has added Feature Guide in the help folder to introduce main Report features with videos. Feature Guide takes up over 150 MB on disk and increases the jrenv.jar file size. You can exclude the Feature Guide from your WAR/EAR by adding the following code in the makewar.xml and then rebuilding the WAR/EAR:
<zipfileset dir="${installroot}/help" prefix="workspace/help">
<exclude name="featureguide/**" />
The following sections describe how you can use makewar.xml and makewar.bat/
You can use this file to specify the following:
- Targets to build the WAR/EAR file. They start with the tag <target name="xxx"...>. You can modify the target names. By default, the main targets in the makewar.xml are:
- Making the server runtime environment
- Making the WAR file for normal or remote integration
- Making the EAR file
- Temp directories.
- The temp directory to save the temp files when building the WAR/EAR. By default, it is
. - The directory to store the generated WAR/EAR file. By default, it is
- The temp directory to save the temp files when building the WAR/EAR. By default, it is
- The deployment descriptors, such as web.xml and application.xml. Server stores the configuration information for the WAR/EAR file in these files, for example, the database connection information.
You can use the batch/script file to build a Report Server WAR/EAR according to the target in makewar.xml.
makewar.bat/ [Target Name] [-Dpredeploy=ReportFolder] [-Dreporthome=XXX] [] [-Djrs.remote.rmiport=XXX] [-Djrs.rmi.auth_file=XXX]
Target Name
You can perform the following targets:- buildWar - Build the Report Server WAR. It is the default target.
- buildEar - Build the Report Server EAR.
- buildRemoteWar - Build the Report Server WAR for remote integration.
Deploy the reports and catalogs under ReportFolder to the WAR/EAR file. -
When building a remote WAR usingmakewar.bat buildRemoteWar buildRemoteWar
to deploy to WildFly 16.0.0.Final or JBoss AS 7/JBoss EAP 6 or above, add the parameter -Djbossas7=true. -
Reporthome to set into web.xml in the WAR/EAR. If you do not set this argument, reporthome will be%user.home%/.jreport/default
. This argument takes effect only when the target name is buildWar, buildEar, or buildWar4WS. -
Server's RMI host when building a WAR for remote integration. This argument takes effect only when the target name is buildRemoteWar. -
Server's RMI port when building a WAR for remote integration. This argument takes effect only when the target name is buildRemoteWar. -
RMI auth file with the absolute file path when building a WAR for remote integration. This argument takes effect only when the target name is buildRemoteWar.
- Build the Report Server WAR file which is defined by makewar.xml (the default target) and save the generated WAR file to the default directory
- Build the Report Server WAR file and save the generated WAR file jreport.war to the default directory
. When deploying the jreport.war to an application server, the reporthome will useC:\LogiReport
.makewar.bat buildWar -Dreporthome=C:\LogiReport
- Build the Report Server EAR file and save the generated EAR file jreport.ear to the default directory
.makewar.bat buildEar
- Build the Report Server WAR file, deploy the reports and catalogs in
to the WAR file, and save the generated WAR file jreport.war in the default directory<install_root>\bin\distribute
.makewar.bat buildWar -Dpredeploy=c:\myReport
- Build the Report Server WAR file as defined by makewar.xml for remote integration and save the generated WAR file to the default directory
.makewar.bat buildRemoteWar -Djrs.remote.rmiport=1129 -Djrs.rmi.auth_file=C:\LogiReport\Server\bin\rmi.auth
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